Leopard Project Update

The MOST exciting news! Our biggest project to date is well underway! I have been working with the conservation team at Kariega Game Reserve since 2019 on a leopard reintroduction project.

With some delays (mostly COVID-related), I am lost for words at the joy I feel at seeing the traction this project has gained just in the last couple of months. Our donations have gone into building a huge and sophisticated leopard holding ‘boma’ (enclosure)! This amazing construction will be the first home for a relocated "problem" leopard (a leopard that has been deemed a "problem" due to its presence in close proximity to livestock and will be shot if not relocated). So basically, a leopard with nowhere else to go. Once acclimatised, he/she will be released into the greater Kariega Reserve, where we will then be able to monitor their movements.

This is a huge step for leopard conservation in the Eastern Cape, where leopards have been almost wiped out and hunted for over a century, and I am really so happy and excited and proud of this achievement.

We still have a way to go, and this will always be a project filled with challenges, but I'm hopeful and confident we will start to see leopards back where they belong really soon. The team at Kariega also very kindly named this boma after me. This is 'Sarah's Boma' ❤️

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